/* Pinterest website claiming thingie */ /* That's it for the pinterest thingie */ Aberrant Ceramics: December 2014


Aberrant Ceramics is the artwork of Aaron Nosheny,
ceramic artist and potter in Tucson, Arizona.

I work in the medium of stoneware clay and make hand-built pottery, sculpture, hamsas, ornaments, masks, and a variety of other forms.

I’m a self-taught autistic artist working in my medium for over twenty years. I like monsters, insects, weird animals, body horror, folk horror, horror comedy, horror in general, Halloween decorations, fast food mascots, kitsch – all of these creep into my work, but there’s really no overarching theme.

I am in love with my medium. I love the process of frantically birthing clay monstrosities, subjecting them to an epic trial by fire, and sending them out into the world.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Fruit Bowl Project 3: Vaginodactyl WIP

Finished Vagina Dentata Fruit Bowl

This is my third attempt at the fruit bowl shaped like female genitalia with teeth. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Fruit Bowl Project 2

This is my second attempt at the fruit bowl in the shape of female genitalia.  it's much smaller and I've gotten further in the process, but I haven't decided whether or not to tear it down yet. 

I decided to take this apart and reuse the clay for another iteration of the same project.

Fruit Bowl Project 1

I have a commission to make a fruit bowl in the shape of female genitalia.

This was my first attempt.  I ended up destroying it and reusing the clay.

An important part of the fruit bowl is the enormous clitoris with an eyeball.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Purple Worm 5

This is the third and last of this series of Purple Worms.

It's fun to stalk a purple worm.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Saturday, December 20, 2014

USA Objects From 2010

Fun with cookie cutters and press molds

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tarot Angel 2: Michael

This is part of a series of depictions of the Hebrew archangels from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.  This one is from the Temperance card and is meant to be the archangel Michael.  There is one more, the archangel Gabriel on the Judgment card, but I don't know if the series is worth continuing.

The Rider Waite Temperance card:

Eye Cup #35

This is the last of this batch of slab cups.  I managed to sell two of them during this Festivus/Winter Solstice gift-giving season, along with a few other items, so I might have room to make more.  This one has a ring of molded cat eyes on a strip of clay around the center.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Eye Cup #40

This is Eye Cup #40.  It has a molded, fanged mouth and cylindrical eyes.  It's not quite even on top.  I don't think I have come any closer to reliably making symmetrical slab pots.  I found a slide show from a middle school in Texas that details the process.  I'm going to try to follow the directions.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tarot Angel 1: Raphael

This is the archangel Raphael from The Lovers card in the Rider Waite Tarot.  I did a Tarot Devil so I thought I would try a few Tarot angels as well. 

The Lovers card

It also reminds me of the Godspell logo.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Tardigrade 11

This completes my 2014 series of tardigrades.  So far I've given one away.  If I can sell or give away any others, I'll make more.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Eye Cup #39

Tardigrade 12

Tardigrade Sculpture #12

Monday, December 1, 2014

Tiny Microscope

This is a tiny clay microscope which was practice for the microscope used in the Laboratory Tardigrade piece.  I made three of them but the other two broke.


This is the horny goat god Pan. 

Eye Cup #37

This is #37 in a series of slab mugs with molded eyes.  This one has three large blue eyes.  It also has eyelashes made from the seed pods of the screwbean mesquite plant.