Several objects are damaged beyond redemption, but I'm keeping them because I want to try to use them as models for copies. This never really works out. Occasionally it's better; usually it's not as good, but attempted copies are never anything like the original.

From Left to right: Skull Shroom, Giraffe Column, Warthog Column, Warlock
Other objects were too badly damaged and I felt the need to get rid of the corpses immediately. The cat column was actually only missing an ear but I don't like it very much and I like it even less without an ear.

Other objects were too badly damaged and I felt the need to get rid of the corpses immediately. The cat column was actually only missing an ear but I don't like it very much and I like it even less without an ear.
From left to right: Log Sculpture, Crinoid Pilgrim, Cthulhu Madonna, Giraluna (second from left on linked page), Cat Column, Grell Shroom 2, Branching Column, IG-88 Column, Twisted Column.
The branching column never made it onto the blog. Here it is:

The branching column never made it onto the blog. Here it is: