/* Pinterest website claiming thingie */ /* That's it for the pinterest thingie */ Aberrant Ceramics: Ancient Crinoid Pilgrim


Aberrant Ceramics is the artwork of Aaron Nosheny,
ceramic artist and potter in Tucson, Arizona.

I work in the medium of stoneware clay and make hand-built pottery, sculpture, hamsas, ornaments, masks, and a variety of other forms.

I’m a self-taught autistic artist working in my medium for over twenty years. I like monsters, insects, weird animals, body horror, folk horror, horror comedy, horror in general, Halloween decorations, fast food mascots, kitsch – all of these creep into my work, but there’s really no overarching theme.

I am in love with my medium. I love the process of frantically birthing clay monstrosities, subjecting them to an epic trial by fire, and sending them out into the world.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ancient Crinoid Pilgrim

Here is your creator god!

I have great respect for cultures whose gods were not envisioned in the image of their human creators and for science fiction writers whose aliens didn't resemble simplified human beings. Lovecraft wrote of an ancient race of aliens that colonized earth in the remote geological past and may have accidentally started life on earth. These beings, termed "primordial ones" or "elder things," do not have the appearance of idealized human archetypes but rather resemble crinoids or sea lilies, deep-sea, echinoderms with radial symmetry.

An interpretation of the Elder Things from The Call of Cthulhu RPG.

A Dungeons & Dragons interpretation of the Primordial Ones from the first edition of Deities & Demigods in which the authors used several fictional mythoi without permission from the authors (Lovecraft, Moorcock, Leiber) or their estates. They were forced to remove the chapters from later editions of the book, which is unfortunate because the book served as an introduction to those three authors for me and probably for other D&D geeks of the time.